Das Management von I.M.M. HYDRAULICS sucht ständig talentierte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter zur Bereicherung unserer Teams.

Sie verfügen über Erfahrung und interessieren sich für Planung, Fertigung, Engineering, Business Development, Logistik, Vertrieb oder Marketing? Dann sind wir ebenfalls sehr interessiert!

Der einzige Weg zum Erfolg besteht für uns darin, das zu lieben, was man tut.

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Lernen Sie die Menschen in unserem Team kennen!

Paolo Mellano – Sales Engineer

Mein Name ist Paolo Mellano und ich bin seit 2016 für I.M.M. HYDRAULICS als kaufmännischer Techniker tätig.

Ich bin Ingenieur mit langjähriger Erfahrung im Hydraulik-Sektor, die ich gerne mit meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, unseren Kunden und unseren Geschäftspartnern teile.

Bei I.M.M. HYDRAULICS fand ich ein sehr anregendes Arbeitsumfeld, das uns zusammen mit der richtigen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dabei unterstützt, unsere Ziele und jene unserer Partner zu erreichen.

Ich liebe meine Arbeit, die mich jeden Tag mit internationalen Gesprächspartnern und mit unseren Technikern in Kontakt bringt, was mir auch hilft, geistig aktiv und offen zu sein.

Meine Freizeit verbringe ich gerne mit meiner Familie. Daneben pflege ich aber auch meine Hobbys wie Holzschnitzen, Motorradfahren und Ausflüge auf unsere schönen Berge.

Mauro Di Iorio – Product Manager Fittings Division

Hello everyone, I’m Mauro Di Iorio and people say that I am a “long time employee” (I don’t know if the meaning is positive or negative …) since I have been with IMM for 29 years. My relationship with my IMM is true love, it is no coincidence that I was hired on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 1992.

Having joined the group at a very young age, my personal and professional growth occurred simultaneously with the company development: I witnessed the transformation of IMM from a small family-run business to a large company that now is part of an important Group listed on the stock exchange.

I started working at the age of 19 in a small company, with few people, and this gave me the opportunity to gain experience and learn about all aspects of the “factory” and the product; in fact I ranged from making the first IMM catalogue with glossy paper and ink pens (at that time the CAD was a luxury) to preparing shipments, from having contacts with the first customers to assembling pieces for an urgent shipment … and I may never stop!

Thanks to all this experience I achieved a wide knowledge about fittings and the natural consequence of this path has led me to fill the role of Product Manager – fittings division.

The role of PM poses very stimulating challenges, you need to have a general overview both on the market and on the process to do this kind of job in the best way.

Following some skills that a PM must have:

  • Understanding how the competition “moves”
  • Grasp the inputs deriving from the market
  • Find out about the evolution of materials in order to produce respecting the environment
  • Being updated on technological innovations to seize opportunities to tend to produce with the best possible quality, safeguarding safety at work, with the lowest possible energy consumption.

About IMM… and no more me, I must say that I am proud of the choice made a long time ago because this company is characterized by different strengths, not just technical; I list only a few, the most salient for me:

  • Wide range of products
  • Integrated system for hoses, fittings and, for some time, also adapters
  • Promptness in reacting to specific customer requests
  • Young and dynamic “team”

I could go on for hours in listing the strengths but, ultimately, what I can say is that this company has the ambition of continuous improvement in its DNA.

Vincenzo Ciarelli – Quality Manager

Customer is my priority!

This is the Quality Department’s main target for this year and this is the message that we want to pass within the company. We want to improve all the manufacturing-and-not processes in order to increase costumers’ satisfaction. We’ll therefore direct the know-how, the experience, our strong motivation for improvement towards the costumer, because we believe these drivers are synonyms of reliability and trust.

Discover the interview at the following link: Vincenzo Ciarelli (IMM Hydraulics): the challenges of a QM – Interpump (interpumpfluidsolutions.com)

Olivier Orlando – Product Manager – Machine Division

Hi, my name is Olivier Orlando and I am a Mechanical Engineer. I’ve applied to I.M.M. HYDRAULICS in 2017, keeping up the challenge to develop our business unit for machine manufacturing. Thankful to unanimous team work together with highly qualified professionals, today we are exporting our machines in more than 70 Countries all around the world. Our strength lies in the ability to imagine the future and make it available for the present.  A travel has started and new challenges are coming up along the way, to face with by our creativity and capacity to innovate. What I’m expecting for my future as Product Manager is to take care of Customer needs providing them our best engineered solution.

Personally, I’ve a lot of interests due to my curious approach to life. I like to travel, to meet people, being in contact with different cultures from ours, to continuously discover and learn. I love every form of art and I spend part of my free time to play blues by guitar and for my personal fitness.

I trust in these words: “Also a one thousand miles travel, begins by a single step”.

Lorenzo Panzone – Technical Manager

Some of the processes the Technical Manager is responsible are:

  • Product Design, Development and industrialization;
  • Product Certification;
  • Technical Documentation issue.

Another main task is to ensure that the documentation, procedures and communication flows smoothly. Also ensuring everything is in compliance with our high standards. After all, our target is – “Excellence”. As I.M.M. Hydraulics core business is technical products (Hose, Fittings & Machines) It is paramount the technical manager keeps everything clear, precise and accurate. Alongside this I have to consider the technical needs of our two crucial stakeholders:

  • Customer: specification, requirements, requests;
  • Company: the technical business unit is responsible for the correct communication aimed to inform and to train towards production (process engineering and documentation), marketing (technical documentation to support the proper product launch in the market), sales (technical support), quality (specs definition in order to define the related control plan), purchasing (in order to define the proper terms of purchase for the supplier).

Discover the interview at the following link: Meet Lorenzo Panzone, Technical Manager at I.M.M. Hydraulics – Interpump (interpumpfluidsolutions.com)